Stampante di Tickets Toshiba TGCS-SINGLE-STATION-PRINTERS



Toshiba SureMark printers are specifically designed to meet the rigors of retail environments and feature the most advanced printer technologies today to speed transactions. With 80 lines per second (LPS)1 for single-byte (SBCS) ordouble-byte (DBCS) printing, these printers process transactions faster to help improve customer satisfaction and employee productivity. Toshiba innovations, such as standard 3 MB2 flash memory, help print ''value added'' messages onreceipts while keeping checkout lanes moving.
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Questo prodotto è attualmente fuori produzione.
  • Spedizioni Express: per ordini effettuati entro le 14:30h.
  • Commerciale dedicato: attenzione personalizzata
  • Invio sicuro: Lavoriamo con i principali enti finanziari per agevolare il suo acquisto

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