UHF Bluetooth RFID Sled Reader: Gun FF, 4410MAH 3.7VDC, EU Freq Band, Walmart



You get unparalleled enterprise-class performance— workers can capture tags and bar codes faster and with ease, improving productivity, operational efficiency and customer service. It’s easy to use — workers can simply tap on a button to switch between RFID and bar code scanning modes on the fly. You get flexible deployment options to meet your specific business needs.
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  • Spedizioni Express: per ordini effettuati entro le 14:30h.
  • Commerciale dedicato: attenzione personalizzata
  • Invio sicuro: Lavoriamo con i principali enti finanziari per agevolare il suo acquisto

UHF Bluetooth RFID Sled Reader: Gun FF, 4410MAH 3.7VDC, EU Freq Band, Walmart accessori consigliati:

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